

How to Use the Power Fx SetFocus  Function in Power Apps

What is SetFocus?

SetFocus is a function in Power Fx that allows you to set the focus to a specific control on a form. The focus is the control that the user is currently interacting with, such as a text box or button. By setting the focus with SetFocus, you can improve the user experience by making it easier for users to navigate your form.

How to Use SetFocus in Power Apps

Here are the basic steps to use SetFocus in Power Apps:

1. Open your app in the Power Apps Studio.

2. Select the control that you want to set the focus to.

3. In the properties pane, click on the function icon next to the OnSelect property.

4. In the formula bar, type SetFocus and then select the control that you want to set the focus to.

For example, if you want to set the focus to a text input control called “txtSearch”, you would type the following formula:


That's it! Now, when the user clicks on a button or performs some other action that triggers the OnSelect property of the control, the focus will be set to the "txtSearch" control.

Advanced SetFocus Techniques

While the basic usage of SetFocus is straightforward, there are some advanced techniques that you can use to further customize the behavior of the function.

Setting Focus on Load

By default, the SetFocus function sets the focus when the user clicks on a control with the OnSelect property. However, you can also set the focus when the form loads by using the OnVisible property of the form.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Select the form that you want to set the focus on.

2. In the properties pane, click on the function icon next to the OnVisible property.

3. In the formula bar, type the SetFocus formula and select the control that you want to set the focus to.

For example, if you want to set the focus to the "txtSearch" control when the form loads, you would type the following formula:


Setting Focus on Submit

Another useful technique is to set the focus to a specific control after the user submits a form. This can be helpful to guide the user to the next action that they need to take.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Add a button to submit the form.

2. Select the button and open the OnSelect property.

3. Add the SetFocus formula and select the control that you want to set the focus to.

4. Add any other actions that you want to take after the focus is set.

For example, if you want to set the focus to a button called "btnSave" after the user submits the form, you would type the following formula:



The SetFocus function in Power Fx is a powerful tool that can help you improve the user experience of your Power Apps. By setting the focus to a specific control, you can make it easier for users to navigate your form and take the actions that they need to take. With the advanced techniques described above, you can further customize the behavior of the function to meet your specific needs.

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