Power BI 1-Week Intensive Course (Intro, Intermediate & Advanced)


Our 1-Week Intensive Power BI Training Course is a hands-on, tutor-led program covering both beginner and advanced Power BI skills. Ideal for those new to Power BI or looking to master it for business use, this course provides a comprehensive learning path across three key modules: Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced.
You’ll develop essential skills in data modeling, DAX, and report design, with the flexibility to attend in-person in London or online from anywhere. Join small class sizes for interactive, practical training, or opt for private group sessions tailored to your team's needs. Take the next step in mastering Power BI and boost your business intelligence capabilities.

SKU: GCOM-PBIPU-123 Category:


Looking for a Power BI Intensive Training Course?

Our tutor-led Power BI 1-Week Intensive Training Course offers comprehensive coverage of both basic and advanced features of Microsoft Power BI.
This course is perfect for users who are new to Power BI but plan to use it extensively in their business workflows.

You should consider taking this course if your company has recently adopted Power BI or is about to do so,
and you will play a pivotal role in ensuring that your organization derives maximum benefit from self-service business intelligence.


  • Book this course at a discounted rate and stagger the three levels across different dates.
  • If more than three people need this course, it’s cheaper to book a private course!

Course Details

Our Power BI Intensive Training Course (5 Days, £1,895) is a discounted bundle consisting of three individual courses:

  • Power BI Introduction (2 Days, £890)
  • Power BI Intermediate (1 Day, £445)
  • Power BI Advanced (2 Days, £890)

Scheduled Instructor-Led Online Courses

We run this scheduled Power BI training course every month. Our online classes are small, with a maximum of ten delegates, ensuring plenty of opportunities to practice all techniques being taught.

CPD Accredited Logo  

30 hours of CPD  

Scheduled Online Training Courses

Recent Course Feedback

Avantcard Logo

Enjoyed the course. Very well structured and excellent instructor. First online course I have attended and it ran very well and no issues.

Avantcard Data Analyst

Ove Arup and Partners Power BI Training

The course was enjoyable and informative. I have a few takeaways that I am looking forward to implementing.

Ove Arup and Partners Reporting and Business Analytics Functional Analyst Power BI Administration Training - London

Mimecast Logo

A well structured and comprehensive course. My main objectives were to improve my knowledge of DAX and understanding of working with dates and time, which were met fully.

Mimecast Head of Data Science for Threat Intelligence

ABN AMRO Bank Power BI Training

Relaxed pace and touched practical topics which is going to help us a lot on servicing Power BI in a more mature way. Great course, thanks a lot!

ABN AMRO Bank Senior IT Development Engineer Power BI Administration Training - London

Sermo Logo

Very good. The instructor was clear and took time to explain every action in Power BI and why it was being done.

Sermo Senior commercial and Data analyst

Fairtrade Foundation Power BI Training

Great introduction to a very broad range of functionality of Power BI. Good having few students - able to ask as many questions as I liked and have help when I needed.

Fairtrade Senior Impact Data Analyst Power BI Introduction and Intermediate Training - London

WRB Underwriting Logo

The course made me comfortable with the interface on Power BI, and the working examples showed me how it can be used in the working environment to help better present data and make it more dynamic.

W/R/B Underwriting Senior Exposure Management Analyst

Private Individual

The course was really practical and effective! The trainer was very patient to explain how to use the functions and design the table relationships. Also it was customized to student background and needs.

Private Individual Senior Analyst

Cardiff Council

The course was well designed and suited my requirements. There were plentiful exercises that covered key areas of Power BI, plus the tutor was extremely knowledgable and helpful.

Cardiff Council Housing Policy Officer

Course Outline

Power BI Introduction

Getting Started

The Power BI Product; Power BI Desktop; The Power BI Service; Power BI Mobile Apps; Power BI Subscription; Power BI free vs Power BI Pro; Power BI Premium; Dashboards, reports and datasets

Connecting to Text Files

Overview of the Query Editor; Closing and Reopening the Query Settings Pane; Renaming a Query; Using the Query Settings Buttons; Applying Changes Made in the Query Editor; Editing an Existing Query

Connecting to Excel Data

Worksheets, Tables and Name Ranges; Importing Excel Objects into Power BI; Recognizing the Icons

Connecting to a Folder of Data

When to use this feature; Connecting to the Folder; Specifying an example file; Extracting data from filenames; Updating the folder

Connecting to Web Data

Examining the Source Data; Connecting to the Excel Data; Connecting to the Currency Exchange Rate Data; Creating a Custom Column; Adding a Report Background; Automatic Detection of Relationships; Using the Table Visual; Creating Calculated Columns; Using the Slicer Visual

Trim, Clean and Case

Isolating the Problem; Using the Trim Function; Using the Clean Function; Using the Replace Values Command; Using the Capitalize Each Word Command

House Keeping and Meta Data

Renaming Items; Renaming Columns; Renaming Query Steps; Adding Descriptions to your Steps

The Split Columns Command

Tidying up the Data; Using Split by Number of Characters; Splitting by Character Transition; Creating Relationships; Creating a Treemap Visual; Creating a Filled Map Visual

Cleaning up Report Data

Removing Header Rows; Removing an Excel Table Total Row; The Replace Values Command; Remove Errors and Replace Errors; The Fill Down Command; The Unpivot Columns Command; What is Pivoted Data?; Importing the Data; Using UnPivot Other Columns

Combining Tables

Append Queries; Importing the Data; Removing the differences between columns; Using Append Queries as New; Using Merge Queries as New; Specifying the Join Kind

Adding Data to a Data Model

The Budget Table; The Clients Table; The Products Table; The Purchases table; The Sales table; The Staff Table


Creating relationships automatically; Creating relationships manually; Creating Composite Primary and Foreign Keys; Linking the Sales and Purchases Tables; Linking the Sales and Budget Tables

Enhancing the Data Model

Creating a Date Table; The CALENDAR and CALENDARAUTO Functions; Syntax; The FORMAT Function; Creating Measures; Understanding Measures; Creating a Table for your Measures; The DAX SUMX Function; The RELATED Function; Calculating Variance percentages

Branding in Power BI Desktop

Adding a Page Background; Adding a Logo; Using Report Themes

Big-Picture Visuals

Displaying the Budget Variance; Displaying the Margin Variance; The Gauge Visual; Using Visual-Level Filters; Using the Format Painter; Configuring Gauges; The CALCULATE Function; Cross Filter Direction

Customizing Visual Interactions

Creating Stacked Bar Charts; Edit Visual Interactions; Cross-Filtering; Cross-Highlighting

Editing a Published Report in the Power BI Service

Publishing a Report; Accessing Reports in the Power BI Service; Editing a Report in the Power BI Service; Saving Changes to a Report in the Power BI Service; Downloading a PBIX File from the Power BI Service

Creating app workspaces

App workspaces versus apps; My Workspace; Creating an App Workspace; Configuring an App Workspace; What if Nobody Can Create App Workspaces?; Publishing an App versus Publishing to an App Workspace; The Publishing Process; The Consumer Experience

Creating Dashboards

Pinning Individual Visuals to a Dashboard; Pinning Q&A Visuals to a Dashboard; Pinning a Report Page to a Dashboard

Publishing an app

Publishing an App versus Publishing to an App Workspace; The Publishing Process; The Consumer Experience

The Power BI Mobile Experience

Logging into the Power BI Service; The Default Mobile Experience; Optimizing Dashboards for Mobile Devices; Optimizing Reports for Mobile Devices

Power BI Intermediate

Power Query Parameters and Templates

Benefits of parameters and templates; Overview of Our Example; Creating Dynamic Titles; Creating parameters; Creating Parameters on the Fly; Updating a Data Source via a Parameter; Parameterizing Filter Operations; Applying Filters to Related Tables; Creating a Template; Using a Template

Row Level Security

Defining roles and rules in Power BI Desktop; Working with members; Add members; Add a member; Remove members

Drill-down, Drill-through and Tooltip Pages

Drill-Down; Creating Drill-Through Pages; Back Buttons; Custom Tooltips; Tool tip Pages

Exporting Data out of Power BI

Export Settings; Exporting Summary Data; Exporting Underlying Data; Analyze in Excel; Exporting to PDF; Exporting to PowerPoint

PowerPoint Integration

Constructing a narrative in PowerPoint; Using export to PowerPoint; Embedding live reports into a PowerPoint presentation

Custom visuals

Overview of custom visuals; AppSource Marketplace; Power BI Certified Custom Visuals; Chiclet Slicer; Timeline Slicer; Synoptic Panel; Simple Image; TextWrapper

Business Narration

Narrative Formatting; Self-running narratives; The Selection Pane; Using the Pulse chart visual

10: Further Practice in Data Modelling and Report Creation

Connecting to the Excel Data; Transforming the Data in Power Query; Creating a Date Table; Creating a Table for your Measures; Calculating Average Employee Rating for the Current Month; Calculating Average Employee Rating for the Entire Year; Calculating the Percentage of Issues Resolved; Calculating the Percentage of Issues Resolved for the Entire Year; Creating the Employee Details Table; Creating a Pie Chart to Show SLA breakdown; Creating a Bar Chart to Show Issue Outcomes

Power BI Advanced

Data Centralization

Using PBIDS Files; Power BI Dataflows; Data Preparation; Using a Dataflow as a Data Source; Setting Scheduled Refreshes; Creating Shared Datasets; Giving Access to Datasets; Creating Reports from Shared Datasets

Data Profiling

Column Quality; Column Distribution; Column Profile; Using Table.Profile; Data Source Errors; Data Load Errors; Table.SelectRowsWithErrors

DAX What-if Parameters

Overview of DAX Parameters; Creating Numeric Parameters; The SELECTEDVALUE Function; Exposing Parameters to the User; Tracking User Input; Creating Textual What-If Parameters

The M language

Working with M in the Query Editor; The nature of the M language; The let … in statement block; Comments in M; Variables in M; Built-in (primitive) data types; Complex data types; Lists; Records; Tables; Creating a Connection Based on the Current Date; Using Conditional Logic; Creating M Functions; Using List.Transform for Looping

Data Modelling and Parameter Tables

When to use Parameter Tables, Leveraging Custom Parameter Tables; Connecting to the data; Creating a date table; Creating a measures table; Creating a reference to a query; The Chiclet Slicer custom visual; The Timeline Slicer custom visual; Creating parameter slicers; Calculating the offset price; Creating a dynamic title

Optimizing Data Models

The Building Blocks of Data Modelling; When to use Calculated columns; Star and Snowflakes Schemas; Hiding Unused Columns; Sort by Column; Entering Data in Power BI; Measures vs Implicit Measures

Creating Hierarchies

What are hierarchies; Hierarchies and Drilldown; Date Hierarchies; Options Relating to Automatic Date Hierarchies; Manually Creating a Date Hierarchy in Power BI; Creating an Informal Date Hierarchy; Creating a Formal Date Hierarchy; Creating Business Hierarchies; Creating a Business Hierarchy; Adding Calculated Columns to Support a Hierarchy; The RELATED function

The DAX Language

Functions; Operators; Mathematical; Logical; String; Literal Values; Object References; Referring to Tables; Referring to Columns; Referring to Measures; Calculated Columns Versus Measures; Creating a calculated column in Power BI; Calculated Columns and Row Context; Calculated Tables; Cloning a table; Using the DISTINCT Function

Advanced DAX

X Functions Revision; The RANKX Function; Ranking Within a Group; The CALCULATE Function; The FILTER Function; Using Table Functions; The VALUES Function; The SUMMARIZE Function

Working with Calculated Tables

Creating calculated tables, DAX functions that return tables, The ADDCOLUMNS function, The SUMMARIZE function, VALUES and DISTINCT functions, Using Calculated Tables Within the Data Model, Using Calculated Tables Within Measures

DAX Time Intelligence

Calendar Tables; Power BI Auto Date/Time Feature; Automatic vs Manual Time Intelligence; The TOTALYTD, TOTALQTD and TOTALMTD functions; Example; Specifying End of Fiscal Year; The SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR Function; Using the DATEADD Function for Maximum Flexibility; The PARALLELPERIOD Function; Calculating Running Totals

Q&A and AI

Using the Q&A Visual; Setting up the Q&A Feature; Field Synonyms; Review Questions; Teach Q&A; Suggest Questions; Using the Decomposition Tree Visual; Using the Key Influencers Visual

Further Practice on Data Modelling

Connecting to an External Date Table; Engineering a One-to-Many Relationship; Handling multiple significant dates; Active and Inactive Relationships; Role-Playing Dimensions

Further Practice on Analytics and Visualization

The USERELATIONSHIP Function; Calculating Key Metrics; Visualizing our Data; Visualising a Sales Funnel; Displaying Converted and Lost Business; Displaying Target vs Actual; Dynamically Showing a Chart

Private Instructor-Led Online Training

Do you have multiple staff members who need this training?
We can arrange a private instructor-led online course tailored to your organization’s requirements.
Each participant gets remote access to a computer in our training center for hands-on practice.

Private Online Training Courses

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4-8 November 2024 (Tutor-led, Online), 2-6 December 2024 (Tutor-led, Online), 13-17 January 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 17-21 February 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 17-21 March 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 21-25 April 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 19-23 May 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 23-27 June 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 28 July – 1 August 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 18-22 August 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 15-19 September 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 13-17 October 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 10-14 November 2025 (Tutor-led, Online), 8-12 December 2025 (Tutor-led, Online)