Online Power BI Training

Are you looking to expand your knowledge in data analytics? Do you want to become an expert in Power BI? If so, then enrolling in an online Power BI training course is the perfect solution for you!

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities, where end-users can create reports and dashboards by themselves, without the need for IT staff or database administrators. It is a powerful tool that can help businesses make informed decisions based on data insights.

G Com Solutions Online Power BI Training

If you’re looking to get to a staff trained on Microsoft Power BI, and you have a number of options available, and you may well have already considered the possibility of instructor led online training, and you may well regard this form of training is inferior to face to face training.

This is because a lot of training companies provide an online training experience, which is a watered down version of a live face to face training. G comm solutions online training experience is different. Our live online training provides flexibility without compromising the quality of the training experience. training content and the course duration is exactly the same as with our classroom schedule.

Our online courses are not condensed or diluted in any way. Our online training is delivered by the same trainers who deliver our face to face training and with the same high standards, delegates are given access to a training workstation. Just as with classroom courses, training is fully interactive, and includes practical exercises to reinforce the topics being learned.

Online Power BI Training

You can book staff in different offices, or even different countries onto the same course. Online training can therefore reduce the cost of travel and accommodation down to zero. Delegates can also attend to calls either in the office or from home.

There are three key aspects to our live online training solution, collaboration, hands on practice and monitoring. Firstly, to enable collaboration between the trainer and delegates, we use an online video conferencing service such as Zoom or Teams.

Some training companies rely solely on this type of service for delivering online training. However, we feel that this approach provides the user with a hands off passive training experience. It also means that their participation in the learning may be compromised. They may read emails, they may be distracted. They may multitask, dividing their attention between the course and work related matters. This is human nature, and it is understandable. However, it’s mean that companies who are paying for the training are not getting their money’s worth.

If you are a human resources professional or a corporate buyer, you want to ensure that your staff actually learn the topics that you pay for them to learn. We at GE comm solutions certainly think so. So the second element in our online training experience is to provide each delegate with remote access to one of the computers at our training centre. Each person is unable to run the software, manage files and carry out the all important practical exercises. This is why we recommend that delegates have a two monitor setup, enabling them to see what the trainer is demonstrating on one screen and control the remote PC on the other screen.

The final element in our online training solution is monitoring. The PCS being remotely accessed by the training delegates are arranged in a matrix in front of a trainer. This way the trainer is able to monitor the progress of all delegates and to provide assistance and support in a timely fashion.

Online Power BI Training

This approach also offers one significant advantage over face to face training. It is very often the case of delegates do not realise that they’re making a mistake and therefore do not ask for help. With our system, our trainers are very often able to spot these errors and point them out before it all goes horribly wrong.

Delegates can join one of our training courses using one or three formats, group training in a conference room, training actual desk or training from home. If you have two or more delegates who are attending a course you might consider giving them access to a meeting room for the training. One of the laptops could then be connected to a large screen displaying the trainer’s presentation. This approach in no way enhances experience and is by no means a requirement. So we would only recommend it if you already have all the necessary equipment in place.

If your office layout permits it, it may be possible for staff to join the training sessions from their desks, we always recommend a two monitor setup. This way the trainer’s presentation could be displayed on one screen and the remote PC on the other.

To join a training course from home delegates will of course need a space where they can be left alone for the duration of the training and a reliable internet connection for the duration of the course. Again, we would recommend a two monitor setup, one for the trainer’s presentation and one for the remote PC. However when joining from home remember that most TVs will have a laptop and compatibility HDMI or s VGA input port.

So there you have it. Tutor led online Power BI training from DJI comm solutions, every bit as effective as face to face training but much more convenient.

Benefits of Online Power BI Training

There are numerous benefits to enrolling in an online Power BI training course. Some of these benefits include:


One of the primary advantages of online Power BI training is the flexibility it offers. You can complete the course at your own pace and schedule. You can choose when and where you want to study, making it ideal for individuals who have busy schedules or those who prefer to learn at their own pace.


Online Power BI training courses are generally more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based training. You don't have to bear the additional costs of travel, accommodation, and other expenses that come with attending a physical classroom.

Expert instructors

Online Power BI training courses are conducted by expert instructors who have years of experience in the field of data analytics and Power BI. They provide you with an in-depth understanding of Power BI and its applications, and also answer any queries that you may have.

Hands-on experience

Online Power BI training courses offer hands-on experience in using the tool. You will have access to a virtual lab where you can practice using Power BI and creating reports and dashboards. This will give you a real-world experience of using Power BI, which will be useful when you apply for jobs in the field of data analytics.

Online Power BI Training

What to expect from Online Power BI Training

Online Power BI training courses cover a range of topics that provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Power BI and its applications. Some of the topics that may be covered in an online Power BI training course include:

Introduction to Power BI

This module covers an introduction to Power BI and its architecture. You will learn about the different components of Power BI, how they work, and how to navigate the Power BI interface.

Data Modeling

This module covers data modeling concepts, such as creating relationships between tables, data types, and data sources. You will learn how to create data models and use them to create reports and dashboards.

Data Visualization

This module covers how to create interactive visualizations using Power BI. You will learn how to create charts, graphs, and other visualizations that can be used to analyze and present data.

Power BI Services

This module covers how to use Power BI services to share and collaborate on reports and dashboards. You will learn how to publish reports and dashboards to the Power BI service and share them with your colleagues.

Power BI Integration

This module covers how to integrate Power BI with other applications, such as Excel and SharePoint. You will learn how to use Power BI with other Microsoft products to create powerful data analytics solutions.


Online Power BI training is an excellent way to gain knowledge and expertise in data analytics and Power BI. With its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and hands-on experience, it is an ideal choice for individuals who want to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. So why wait? Enroll in an online Power BI training course today and take your first step towards becoming a data analytics expert!