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Dynamic Power BI Administration Training Course

Are you looking to enhance your skills in Power BI administration? Look no further than the Dynamic Power BI Administration Training Course! This comprehensive course is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the features and functionalities of Power BI administration.

Course Overview

Dynamic Power BI Administration Training Course

The Dynamic Power BI Administration Training Course is a beginner-friendly course that is suitable for individuals with little or no experience in Power BI administration. The course is broken down into easy-to-understand modules that cover various aspects of Power BI administration.

The course starts with an introduction to Power BI administration, where you will learn about the history of Power BI, its advantages, and how it is used in various industries. From there, the course covers the following topics:

1. Power BI Architecture

This module provides an in-depth overview of the Power BI architecture. You will learn about the different components of Power BI, including the Power BI service, Power BI desktop, Power BI mobile app, and the Power BI gateway. You will also learn about the data sources, data models, and the Power BI data flow.

2. Power BI Security

Security is a critical aspect of any business intelligence system, and this module covers the security features of Power BI. You will learn about Power BI security roles, row-level security, and how to manage security in Power BI.

3. Power BI Deployment

Dynamic Power BI Administration Training Course

In this module, you will learn about the different ways to deploy Power BI, including cloud-based deployment and on-premises deployment. You will also learn about the deployment process and how to troubleshoot deployment issues.

4. Power BI Monitoring and Maintenance

Monitoring and maintenance are necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of any business intelligence system. This module covers the different ways to monitor and maintain Power BI, including performance monitoring, capacity planning, and troubleshooting.

5. Power BI Administration Best Practices

The final module covers the best practices for Power BI administration. You will learn about the best practices for designing data models, creating reports, and sharing content in Power BI. You will also learn about the tools and resources available for Power BI administration.

Course Benefits

By completing the Dynamic Power BI Administration Training Course, you will gain the following benefits:

– A thorough understanding of Power BI administration

– The ability to deploy and manage Power BI in different environments

– The ability to monitor and maintain Power BI for optimal performance

– Knowledge of best practices for Power BI administration


In conclusion, the Dynamic Power BI Administration Training Course is an excellent opportunity to enhance your skills in Power BI administration. This comprehensive course covers all aspects of Power BI administration and provides you with the knowledge and skills required to deploy, manage, and maintain Power BI for your organization. Sign up today and take the first step towards becoming a Power BI administration expert!

Upcoming Scheduled Courses

Power BI 1-Week Intensive Course

12-16 August 2024
9-13 September 2024
7-11 October 2024

Power BI Introduction

12-13 August 2024
9-10 September 2024
7-8 October 2024

Power BI Intermediate

14 August 2024
11 September 2024
9 October 2024

Power BI Advanced

15-16 August 2024
12-13 September 2024
10-11 October 2024

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